WD1007V Commands

DOS SMB Client Performance

Was the NE2000 That Bad?

Nobody Expects...

OS/2 Museum | OS/2, vintage PC computing, and random musings

Booting Windows XP, Or Not

SGDT/SIDT Fiction and Reality (2017)

A Brief History of Unreal Mode (2018)

The Answer to 0x49: Fujitsu FMR

Really Atari ST?

Return to Stormville

Breaking into ASOS

Well Hello

Those Win9x Crashes on Fast Machines

GW-Basic Source Notes

Who needs the address wraparound, anyway? (2011)

386 Cache Coherency

EMM386 and VDS: Not Quite Working

1987 Networking: ELS NetWare 286 Level I 2.0a

Emulating EtherLink

MS OS/2 SDK Document Dump

UINT32_C Macro Considered Harmful

The Cape Cod Disaster

DOS Wireless Networking, Continued

Wireless Networking in DOS

More on NX Insanity

The Sad End of Intel Desktop Boards

More About That Strange Pentium 4

PC Keyboard: The First Five Years

How Not to Buy a Computer

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