The Failure of 3D Touch (2018)

What is the new Apple U1 chip?

The Drawbacks of Python

What sucks the most about being a software developer?

Do all programming languages actually converge to LISP?

People with unusually high IQ, why are you still unsuccessful?

Why do developers at Google consider Agile development to be nonsense? (2016)

Alan Kay's answer to ‘what are some forgotten books programmers should read?’

How is China able to provide enough food to feed over 1B people?

What do you think about ReactOS?

A Kernel Engineer at Microsoft's Answer to “What Do You Think about ReactOS?”

Why Male Lions Sleep 20 Hours a Day

Why is that some people say 'if a Haskell program compiles, it probably works'?

Why does it seem that so many companies treat programmers so poorly?

What was it like to work at NeXT?

If I ingest a grain of sand size piece of the Chernobyl Reactor No.4 core

Alan Kay's answer to Why do you need to use command prompt?

What is a coder's worst nightmare?

My take on competitive programming in Rust, as of 2019

Do big companies like Google and Amazon fire developers for buggy releases?

Alan Kay on “What Made APL Programming So Revolutionary?”

Why aren't figs considered vegan?

Why did Clojure gain so much popularity?

Windows 10 source code: over 0.5 TB source code, over 4M files

What internal tools do you wish your company had that would increase your engineering productivity?

How does Apple keep secrets so well? (2012)

What are some of the worst academic papers ever published?

Why cant a bot tick the 'I'm not a robot' box?

Why can’t a bot tick the 'I'm not a robot' box?

Why doesn’t bamboo replace lumber more often?

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