Female birds disguised as males get extra food. Around 20% of female hummingbirds have plumage that is characteristic of the males of the species.

Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism

Chocolate, a serious contender for the world’s most beloved food, is made from the seed kernels of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao)

Humpback whale songs again found to spread from western to eastern Pacific regions

Ants can be more effective than pesticides at helping farmers produce food: they decrease the abundance of non-honeydew-producing pests, decrease plant damage and increase crop yield…

Bonobo apes pout and throw tantrums — and gain sympathy

Testosterone promotes 'cuddling,' not just aggression, animal study finds: Testosterone can foster friendly, prosocial behavior in males, a new animal study finds

Adult fireflies evolved their glow to attract mates, not to ward off predators.Mature fireflies lit their lanterns before birds and bats evolved, suggesting that sexual signalling drove this dazzling behaviour.

Reindeer are the only mammal known to seasonally adapt their eyes to the extremely blue colour of the extended twilight that occupies a large part of the winter 24h cycle in their Arctic habitat…

Climate change negatively impacting bumblebees

Vaccination-hesitancy and global warming: distinct social challenges with similar behavioural solutions

Both free range and intensive farming of animals are significant risk factors for zoonosis events, however it is unclear which one poses the biggest hazard

Sampling of DNA on tea and dried herbs reveals that the leaves used in these products bear traces of a combined total of more than 1,200 species of invertebrate, including spiders and bugs

Meta-analytical multiverse of brain volume and IQ associations ["Brain size and IQ associations yielded r = 0.24, with the strongest effects observed for more g-loaded tests and in healthy samples that generalize across participant sex and age bands"]

Risk assessment of COVID transmission finds that opening a window can be 2x more effective at reducing your risk of infection compared to vaccination

Language of fungi derived from their electrical spiking activity

The population of saltwater crocodiles boomed in some parts of Australia after the reptiles began supplementing their usual seafood with feral pig.

Vulnerability of avian populations to renewable energy production - model studied 23 priority bird species killed at wind and solar facilities in California, suggesting 48% of these species were vulnerable to population-level effects from added fatalities caused by renewables and other sources

Chimpanzees consider freedom of choice in their evaluation of social action

A new study does not support the assumption that grandparents would always participate more in a grandchild’s life during difficult circumstances, such as by providing childcare or monetary support

A brief history of liquid computers

Increasing numbers of killer whale individuals use fisheries as feeding opportunities within subantarctic populations

There were three music revolutions, where styles switched suddenly: two small ones in 1964 (rise of rock & soul, death of doo-wop) & 1983 (hard rock & new wave, decline of country)…

Sparrows memorise and deliberately shuffle and repeat their tunes to keep attention of potenial partner .

Fashion, art cycles are driven by counter-dominance signals of elite competition

Dogs' looking times and pupil dilation response reveal expectations about contact causality

A research team has demonstrated that members of a group of baboons can establish shared social conventions -- in this case, by all agreeing on how to solve a problem in order to get a reward faster

Marine Biologists Identify New Species of Beaked Whale

A new discovered theropod dinosaur occupies apex predator niche in the early Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan .

Birds begin vocal training before they hatch by listening to their parents call from inside their egg,

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