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Researchers have developed a new software package that can accurately model how sound, water, or light waves are scattered when they meet complex particle configurations — which can help in the development of materials that block or deflect waves

Heatwaves (+40º) induced strong reductions in antennal responses to floral scents in bees, disrupting the chemical communication between plants and pollinators

Bees are increasingly under threat due to environmental degradation caused by changes in land use

A recent study examines how solitary humpback whales manufacture bubble-nets and manipulate this unique tool in a variety of ways to maximise their food intake.

By teaching freshwater crocodiles to associate cane toads with a bout of food poisoning using baits injected with a nausea-inducing chemical, scientists in Australia have prevented deaths in areas where cane toads were arriving and reduced deaths in areas where toads were abundant.

Nothing in evolution makes sense except in the light of parasitism (2021)

Male dance moves that catch a woman's eye

In a recent study, scientists have found evidence that in the presence of predators, killifish eggs display local adaptation in embryonic plasticity at the population scale.

Social organization in a flatworm:parasites form soldier and reproductive castes

Palaeontologists have described a new genus and species of pseudosuchian archosaur, Benggwigwishingasuchus eremicarminis, from the Favret Formation of Nevada, revealing that archosauriforms occupied coastal regions globally during the Middle Triassic.

A brief history of liquid computers (2019)

Wild boars sleep differently depending on the environment, with less sleep during hot summers

Scientists have discovered the first species of ceratosaur known from the Early Cretaceous of Asia, extending the stratigraphic range of Ceratosauria by 40 million years on the continent.

Horizontal running inside circular walls of Moon settlements

The robustness of some fossil leaf venation networks to simulated damage

40% of earth's land may become uninhabitable to the plant communities currently living there due to climate change.

Bioluminescence likely originated in Octocorallia 540M years ago, study finds

The three-dimensionally articulated oral apparatus of a Devonian heterostracan sheds light on feeding in Palaeozoic jawless fishes

Eastern Gartersnakes pass a smell based version of the mirror test, like dogs

Dark extinction: the problem of unknown historical extinctions (2021)

A new giant podocnemidid turtle, among the largest freshwater turtles ever found, from the Late Pleistocene Rio Madeira Formation in the Brazilian Amazon…

Redwoods are growing almost as fast in the UK as their Californian cousins

New study explores the preservation of 12,000 year-old brains

Birds, beetles and spiders that are natural predators for crop-damaging pests can be a successful alternative to pesticides

ADHD may have been an evolutionary advantage, research suggests

Estimating association between Facebook adoption and well-being in 72 countries

Still little evidence sex differences in spatial navigation are evolutionary adaptations

Brain size predicts bees' tolerance to urban environments | "a large brain in bees could confer behavioural advantages to tolerate urban environments"

A driving simulation study has shown we are one step closer to monitoring our heart health in real time via a tiny device worn in the ear.

Monarch butterflies memorize the spatial location of a food source

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