Pregnant women who drink moderate to high levels of alcohol alter their own and their babies’ DNA

Humans Interbred with Four Extinct Hominin Species, Research Finds

A new species of carnivorous bird-like dinosaur being named Hesperornithoides miessleri has been discovered by an international team of paleontologists from the United States and the United Kingdom.

Silene stenophylla: 32,000-Year-Old plant brought back to Life — Oldest Yet.

Pluto’s Atmosphere Predicted to Collapse by 2030

Ultra-Time-Efficient Exercise Lowers Blood Pressure, Boosts Brain Function

Widely-Used Food Additive TBHQ Impairs Immune Responses to Influenza Infection

Hungarian researchers claim they've found mineralized biosignatures, including coccoidal, filamentous structures and organic material, in the Martian meteorite ALH-77005

CERN Physicists Discover New Pentaquark Particle - Physicists from CERN’s Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) Collaboration announced this week the discovery of a new pentaquark particle, Pc(4312)+, decaying to a proton and a J/ψ meson, a particle composed of a charm quark and a charm antiquark.

Scientists find strong evidence of where a third of the normal matter — hydrogen, helium and other elements — created shortly after the Big Bang is hiding: in large-scale filaments in the warm-hot intergalactic medium.

Multicellular Life Began 1.5 Billion Years Earlier than Thought

Two newly-described spider specimens between 110 and 113 million years old feature reflective eyes that enabled their nighttime hunting.

Phobos May Have Come from Massive Impact on Mars

Infants Use Same Gestures as Chimpanzees

Researchers discover enzymes that turn Type A and B blood into universal Type O

Tools of Ancient Easter Islanders Hint at Sophisticated Society

Powerful Earthquakes Can Trigger Other Ones on Opposite Side of Earth, New Research Shows

Loneliness is a strong predictor of premature death, worse mental health, and lower quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease, according to a new study

Scientists have discovered a new type of photosynthesis: the vast majority of life on Earth uses red light (680 to 700 nm) in the process of photosynthesis, but the new type uses near-infrared light (750 nm) instead -- it was detected in a wide range of cyanobacteria

Researchers from Emory University in the US and Lancaster University and the University of Leeds, both in the UK, has discovered that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound found in GREEN TEA leaves, breaks up and dissolves potentially dangerous protein plaques found in blood vessels.

First detailed anatomical study of bonobos contradicts key dogmas about human evolution

Hubble Space Telescope Spots Massive Galaxy Cluster

Ancient genomes suggest extensive interbreeding between mammoth and elephant species

Physicists Create ‘Shankar Skyrmion’ — Quasiparticle with Properties of Ball Lightning

Previously Unknown Language Emerges in Malaysia

Scientists May Have Discovered Major Cause of Dementia

Opening windows and doors before going to bed can reduce carbon dioxide levels in bedrooms and improve sleep quality, according to new research

5.6-Million-Year-Old Hominin-Like Footprints in Crete Challenge Theories of Human Evolution | Paleoanthropology |

Antares: Astronomers Snap Most Detailed Image of Star That’s Not the Sun | Astronomy |

First Battery-Free Cellphone Harvests Power from Ambient Radio Signals, Light

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