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Insects Probably Can Feel Pain

New Tardigrade Species Discovered in Kyrgyzstan

Forest-Living East African Chimpanzees are Digging Wells for Cleaner Water

An investigation across 45 languages and 12 language families reveals a universal language network

Geologists have discovered 1.2-billion-year-old groundwater about 3 km below surface in Moab Khotsong, a gold- and uranium-producing mine in South Africa

Caffeine Consumption Leads to Impulsivity during Shopping, New Study Shows

Eating Blueberry Regularly Reduces Dementia Risk, New Study Suggests

Male Characters are Four Times More Prevalent in Pre-Modern Literature than Female Characters: Study

Diverse Microbial Life Forms Existed At Least 3.75 Billion Years Ago, Study Confirms

Fungi Use Electrical ‘Language’ to Communicate with Each Other: Study

Researchers Develop Highly Efficient Heat Engine

Neptune is Cooler than Astronomers Thought. A Neptune season lasts around 40 years

Quantum Teleportation Can Be Used to Avoid Loss in Communication Channels, Researchers Say

Deserts Inhale and Exhale Water Vapor through Their Surface, Scientists Say

New Theoretical Study Sheds Light on How Information Escapes from Evaporating Black Hole

Mosquitoes are Attracted to Specific Colors, New Study Shows

Sound Communication is Widespread among Fish, Study Says

Water Flowed on Martian Surface as Recently as Two Billion Years Ago, Study Suggests

Bacterial Communities are More Advanced than Previously Thought

Paleontologists Identify New Species of Long-Necked Dinosaur

Iodine in Desert Dust Destroys Ozone – Could Prolong Greenhouse Gas Lifetimes

Some Ancient Maya Kingdoms Had Sustainable Agricultural Practices, High Food Yields

41,500-year-old oval-shaped pendant from Stajnia Cave in Poland is the oldest decorated jewelry found in Eurasia

Physicists have achieved the first-ever detection of neutrino candidates in the Large Hadron Collider for the first time

Consuming grapes significantly increases the diversity of gut bacteria, decreases cholesterol levels as well as bile acids which play an integral role in cholesterol metabolism, according to a new pilot study published in the journal Nutrients.

Rapid Climate Change Wiped Out Woolly Mammoths, Study Confirms

Liquid Gallium Shown to Break Down Carbon Dioxide – Sci-News.com

WASP-76b, discovered in 2016, is a Jupiter-sized planet where iron gets vaporized, condenses on the night side and then falls from the sky like rain

In 1974, Stephen Hawking made the seminal discovery that black holes emit thermal radiation

Life on Earth Arose Multiple Times and in Multiple Ways, New Theory Says

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