Saharan silver ants can travel at 108 body lengths a second, according to new research

Scientists have announced a new gene-editing tool called "prime editing" that avoids some of the pitfalls of CRISPR's genetic "scissors" approach

It's not just mothers: Men who drink in the months before conception might increase their baby's risk of congenital heart disease.

In Russia’s Space Graveyard, Locals Scavenge Fallen Spacecraft (2018)

The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race (1999)

Fungus-farming ants may hold secret to fighting drug-resistant microbes

Scientists have found Bronze Age baby bottles used to feed milk to infants in Germany thousands of years ago

Telling Alzheimer's and dementia apart might be as simple as watching how people walk, a new study suggests.

Scientists have invented a robotic device called eNose that can sniff out particles in the breath of patients with advanced lung cancer and then recommend the best treatment strategy

Researchers say they’ve found a single protein that explains why Ebola is so deadly