Chronic exposure to hazardous air pollutants is associated with increased COVID-19 mortality.

Neither science education nor "fake climate news [predicted much variance in] belief in climate change, [perceived] scientific consensus [or] trust in scientists" in a pre-registered experiment on over 1200 people

Credit Lost: Two Decades of Software Citation in Astronomy

Astronomers have discovered a vast assemblage of galaxies hidden behind our own, in the “zone of avoidance”: The South Pole Wall, as it is known, consists of thousands of galaxies — beehives of trillions of stars and dark worlds, as well as dust and gas — arcing across at least 700 million LightYrs.

Lowest mass black hole or highest mass neutron star discovered by LIGO + Virgo with gravitational waves

The Chiral Puzzle of Life

Scientists show that 2019's interstellar comet Borisov - the second known interstellar comet after 'Oumuamua - shed about 230M liters of water on it's trip through our solar system (at peak shedding 30 liters of water per second) - they calculate Borisov had a minimum diameter of 0.74km

Scientists have identified a sub-atomic particle that could have formed the "dark matter" in the Universe during the Big Bang

New evidence shows that the key assumption made in the discovery of dark energy is in error.

World’s Shortest Wavelength Laser Diode Emits Deep UV Light at Room Temperature