"In one of the most comprehensive laboratory studies of its kind, Rice University scientists traced the uptake and accumulation of quantum dot nanoparticles from water to plant roots…

Next for DARPA: ‘Autocomplete’ for programmers

Darpa gives Rice $11M to develop “autocomplete for programmers”

Platinum meets its match in quantum dots from coal. Rice University’s cheap hybrid outperforms rare metal as fuel-cell catalyst

Platinum meets its match in quantum dots from coal: Rice University’s cheap hybrid outperforms rare metal as fuel-cell catalyst

Nanoribbon film keeps glass ice-free: it could keep glass surfaces from windshields to skyscrapers free of ice and fog while retaining their transparency to radio frequencies (RF).

New test reveals purity of graphene - Scientists use terahertz waves to spot contaminants: Graphene may be tough, but the environment surrounding the atom-thick carbon material can influence its electronic performance…

Neutron measurements offer new clues about iron-based superconductor: Study finds physical link to strange electronic behavior

From eons to seconds, proteins exploit the same forces: Theorists show how energy landscapes dominate both evolution and folding of proteins

Nanotubes boost terahertz detectors - Rice-led project may dramatically improve medical imaging, passenger screening, food inspection