Scientists explain how you can shoot a rubber band without hitting your own thumb

American whiskey “fingerprints” form weblike pattern not seen with Scotch whisky

Atomically thin graphene is considered a prototypical 2D material, but high-pressure experiments now show it has 3D mechanical properties.

Light Seems to Pull Electrons Backward

Supermassive Black Hole Imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope Can Constrain Superlight Dark Matter

Persistence of Gravitational-Wave Memory

Sound waves transport a small amount of mass, according to theory

Muon measurements reveal thunderstorms produce electric potentials of up to 1.3 billion volts, 10 times greater than the largest value ever reported

Making Swallowing Safer for those who have trouble swallowing

Extra Dimensions Give Optimization a Boost - The computation of stable atomic structures can be greatly accelerated if performed in a space with extra dimensions