Can reading fiction make you more empathetic?

New Research Dispels Three Myths About Loneliness: That the main cause of loneliness is a lack of relationships, that older people feel much more lonely than younger ones, and that most lonely people are social misfits (e.g.…

Study (N=68) shows a self-compassionate letter-writing intervention significantly reduced self-criticism and shame in people with high shame (medium to large effect sizes).

Study suggests the reason we worry is to avoid negative emotional contrasts after negative events

New research shows women are more likely to blame a rape victim who is shown wearing red vs

Study on best ways to cope: If a stressor is only moderately upsetting, it's best to use "reappraisal" (reframing things, seeing the good in the bad)

The Never Married, a New Normal

Reappraisal is more effective for coping with low-intensity negative experiences, but self-distanced reflection is more effective for high-intensity negative experiences…

Women are more likely to blame a rape victim who is wearing red vs

Understanding the benefits of creating a personal commute for remote workers.