Therapy app Talkspace allegedly data-mined patients' conversations with therapists - Insiders say data was mined to aid in marketing, and to push therapists to favor enterprise patients over others

“Outright lies”: Voting misinformation flourishes on Facebook

Geologists find evidence of two new supervolcano eruptions at Yellowstone

Losing the war against surveillance capitalism, we let Big Tech frame the debate

Farewell to privacy: Lindsay Graham unveils a bill that would make encryption useless. The bill "[mis]understands how encryption works

Trump's 2020 election app harvests intimate user data, including location: report

After Twitter's pushback, a dam is breached among social media companies defying Trump

How immunity for Facebook kills Americans

Google seems to be squelching searches for Trump's "miracle" drug after damning new study

Corporations shouldn't be allowed to own your personal data at all