Cats Prefer to Get Free Meals Rather Than Work for Them

Sunflowers face east because increased morning warmth attracts more bees

Mining Semantic Loop Idioms (2018)

U.S. saw surge in firearm purchases and violence during first months of COVID-19 pandemic

Genomics study confirms low likelihood that SARS-CoV-2 on hospital surfaces is infectious

Face masks are effective in blocking expired airborne particles from talking and coughing even if they don't seal around the edges, a new study shows

'Earworm' music consolidates memories of associated events

Deep ocean fishes show more diversity of body shape than shallow water species. The deep ocean is an evolutionary hotspot for fish.

Study: Most Californians unaware of law to prevent gun violence but would support using it

An estimated 334,000 Covid-19 cases are attributable to meatpacking plants, resulting in $11.2 billion in economic damage