
Two's complement integers with only sign bit set should be a trap representation

The Biggest Smallest PNG

CellLVM: A proof-of-concept LLVM to Excel spreadsheet compiler

Swift was always going to be part of the OS (2022)

Protobuf Is Almost Streamable

GitMounter: A FUSE filesystem for Git repositories

Type Erasure in Rust

Soft Orders of Magnitude

There's No Such Thing as “Implicitly Atomic”

Rescuing Files From Classic Mac OS...with Swift

Swift was always going to be part of the OS

Default Arguments and Label-Based Overloading

Swift on Mac OS 9

Dynamic Linking Is Bad For Apps And Static Linking Is Also Bad For Apps

Swift Regrets

The Swift Runtime: Type Layout


Rose-8 on Mac OS 9

Swift on Mac OS 9

So You Want to Be a (Compiler) Wizard

My Little Optimization: The Compiler Is Magic (2018)

Leaving Apple


So You Want to Be a Compiler Wizard

Recommendations for books on compilers

Nibblesort: Adventures in Optimization