
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app?

Beyond Public Key Encryption

A quick post on Chen's algorithm

Attack of the Week: Airdrop Tracing

To Schnorr and beyond (Part 1)

Some rough impressions of Worldcoin

On Ashton Kutcher and Secure Multi-Party Computation

PRFs, PRPs and other fantastic things

Remarks on “Chat Control”

Apple iCloud, and why encrypted backup is the only issue

One-Time Programs

In Defense of Crypto(currency)

An extremely casual code review of MetaMask’s crypto

Let’s Talk about PAKE

Thinking about “traceability” (Matthew Green)

A riddle wrapped in a curve (2015)

A case against security nihilism

Why the FBI can’t get your browsing history from Apple iCloud (and other scary stories)

Ok Google: please publish your DKIM secret keys

Voice calls in LTE

A few thoughts about Signal’s Secure Value Recovery

Attack of the week: searchable encryption and the ever-expanding leakage function

Should you use SRP?

Does Zoom use end-to-end encryption?

Earn IT is an attack on encryption

Zero Knowledge Proofs: An illustrated primer

Can end-to-end encrypted systems detect child sexual abuse imagery?

Password Authenticated Key Exchange

How safe is Apple’s Safe Browsing? On iOS 13, Apple is sharing some of your web browsing with Tencent.

Looking Back at the Snowden Revelations

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