Opening up Science Journal

Teaching kids to program in their native language

Introducing Brotli: a new compression algorithm for the internet

Introducing Brotli: a new compression algorithm for the internet

Building a Build System: Bazel Reaches Beta

The beta release of Google's Bazel build system, with Rust support

Impressions from the European Lisp Symposium, Goldsmith University April 2015

Roboto: Google’s signature font is now open source

Google Code is shutting down

Classp: a “classier” way to parse

Farewell to Google Code Project Hosting

MapReduce for C: Run Native Code in Hadoop

Kythe: a new approach to making developer tools

Security for the people

CausalImpact: Open-source package for estimating causal effects in time series

Glide 3.0: a media management library for Android

Google Announces LiquidFun 1.1 and Two New Open Source Games: VoltAir and LiquidFun Paint

FlatBuffers: a memory efficient serialization library