The Blue Collar Jobs of Philip Glass

Ford Dabney might have been the first jazz star

The Banishment of Beauty from Everyday Life

Eden Abhez: The strangest hit songwriter

All Bad Music Will Eventually Disappear

How coffee became a joke

30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok

Things I Learned from René Girard

They Praised AI at SXSW–and the Audience Started Booing

How Miles Davis hired John Coltrane

Observations on Ritual [vs Dopamine Tech]

Help –AI Is Stealing My Readers

We're moving to a post-entertainment society

"This Is a Hell of a Statement I'm About to Make–But He Superseded Miles"

Nine Ugly Truths about Copyright and five predictions about its future

I Ran Away from Philosophy Because of Sam Bankman-Fried

My Lost Gumby Essay

Why Did Social Media Go to War Against Writers?

I Survived (Barely) as a Jazz Musician at Business School

The Ugly Reason Apple Acquired a Classical Music Label

Investment Funds Are Now Selling the Rock Songs They Bought

An Open Letter to Taylor Swift

AI demand is already shrinking

The Scarcest Thing in the World

My Lifetime Reading Plan

Panic Among the Streamers

Signs You Are Living in an Information Crap-Pocalypse

I Stopped Hating Steely Dan

Where did the long tail go? (2022)