
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

A week with Elixir (2013)

Minimal Viable Programs (2014)

My favorite Erlang program (2013)

My favorite Erlang Program (2013)

A Badass Way to Connect Programs Together (2016)

Minimal Viable Programs – Joe Armstrong – Erlang and Other Stuff

My favorite Erlang program (2013)

Why did I wake up before my alarm clock went off?

Why programming is difficult (2014)

Joe Armstrong on Minimal Viable Programs

Why programming is difficult (2014)

Why Markdown Sucks (2016) – From Joe Armstrong's “Erlang and Other Stuff” Blog

Calling Elixir from Erlang

My favorite Erlang Program (2013)

How to make an efficient payment system in Erlang

Why Markdown Sucks

Calling Elixir from Erlang

Managing two million web servers

Controlling Sound with OSC Messages

Why Programming is Difficult (2014)

Joe Armstrong: A Badass Way to Connect Programs Together

The Unintentional side-effects of a bad concurrency model

Fun with Swift

A Badass Way to Connect Programs Together

Minimal Viable Programs (2014)

Mutable Value Chains

HTML as a programming language – unifying HTML with Erlang

The web of names, hashes and UUIDs

Some Performance Measurements on Maps

My favorite Erlang program

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