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Why data on the economy doesn't match our feelings

Are People Starting to Love Self-Driving Robotaxis?

Most American farmers have second jobs to stay afloat

When the U.S. Forest Service's budget shrinks, who pumps campground toilets?

Authors Guild to offer “Human Authored” label on books to compete with AI

Is the Shoplifting "Crisis" Over?

The reason your Columbia shirt has a tiny pocket near your waistline (2019)

Jobs you're applying to might not be real

San Francisco is becoming a tech hub again, Y Combinator CEO says

Indigenous creatives are blazing trails in the gaming industry

States like California want to make it easier to convert offices into housing

The pitfalls of letting an algorithm set the rent

Tech layoffs can trigger an identity crisis for workers who are let go

Is Ireland too economically dependent on Big Tech to regulate it properly?

Do America's Free-Speech Protections Protect Code - and Prevent Cryptocurrency Regulation?

Why didn’t any Wall Street CEOs go to jail after the financial crisis?

Cord-cutting options are getting closer to cable TV prices

Is there any data that says secondhand car seats aren’t safe?

New York City turns to dry ice to control its rat population

U.S. users are leaving Facebook by the millions, Edison Research says.

U.S. users are leaving Facebook by the millions, Edison Research says

FOMO in China is a $7B industry

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai lays out his vision for an internet without net neutrality rules

Elizabeth Warren: "Equifax may actually make money off this breach"

Inside China's "social credit" system, which blacklists citizens

Tim Armstrong: People need to vote on net neutrality

Why green olives come in jars, but black ones come in cans

A tracking chip was removed from a patient who was a victim of human trafficking

False information on the internet is hiding the truth about onions

Former FCC Chair Tom Wheeler says that new FCC Chair Ajit Pai canceled every single meeting with him for the past two years.

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