
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

How to get a true headache: brute forcing NTRU

Our small contribution to Paradigm’s Reth to diversify Ethereum clients

Using Metal and Rust to make FFT even faster

How to transform code into arithmetic circuits

Symmetric encryption

Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation with a Pinocchio Virtual Machine

Message Authentication Codes

Weird ways to multiply really fast with Karatsuba, Toom–Cook and Fourier

Decentralized private computation: ZEXE and VERI-ZEXE

Arithmetization schemes for ZK-SNARKs

Verifiable AES: encryption using zero-knowledge proofs

Fully-homomorphic encryption, zero-knowledge proofs, and multiparty computation

Secure computation in Rust: Using Intel's SGX instructions with Teaclave and Fortanix

Benchmarking and analyzing Rust code performance with Criterion and Iai

Simulations are about to get way, way faster with JuliaSim

BEAM all the things! ClojErl, an implementation of Clojure on the Erlang Virtual Machine

Modeling complexity with Symbolics.jl and ModelingToolkit.jl - Interview with Chris Rackauckas

How we wrote a hands-on Bayesian data science book in 6 months

LAM: an actor-model VM for WebAssembly and native

Ballista, a distributed compute platform made with Rust and Apache Arrow

Rebuilding the Racket Compiler with Chez Scheme

Scientific Machine Learning with Julia: the SciML ecosystem

Stumpy: unleashing the power of the matrix profile for time series analysis

Julia GPU: How the Julia language is making it easy for programmers to use GPU

Come see BuzzConf 2020, a software and data science conference, open and online for one and for all

Soss: Probabilistic Programming with Julia

A brief introduction to the beauty of Information Theory

NuShell: the shell where traditional Unix meets modern development, written in Rust

A wild PyBoy appears: a GameBoy emulator written in Python

There's a new Language Server and Code Formatter for Erlang

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