
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

A look Inside the billionaire bodyguard racket

Code Signing Certificates: A Digital Racket That's Holding Your Automation Hostage

Racket v8.14

Racket meet-up: Saturday, 3 August, 2024 at 18:00 UTC

Rhombus: Macro-extensible language with conventional syntax built on Racket

racket/rhombus: "We're now officially in the "integration" phase for Rhombus."

Zuo: A Tiny Racket for Scripting

Racket Survey 2024

The Racket Book

Malt: A Deep Learning Framework for Racket

Asteroids Game in Racket (2021)

Racket Plot Cookbook

The Skyline Problem in Racket

New Racket Deep Learning Library

S. D. Butler – War is a Racket [pdf]

The Emotional Support Animal Racket

Racket - the Language-Oriented Programming Language - version 8.13 is now available

Racket Language

Racket v8.12 is now available

Common Lisp VS Racket. Feedback from lispers. (2021)

Racket branch of Chez Scheme merging with mainline Chez Scheme

A BART seat-slashing gang that was part of an upholstery racket (2019)

Racket branch of Chez Scheme merging with mainline Chez Scheme

Drawing hat tiling using Racket

War Is a Racket

Systems Programming with Racket

Racket frustrates me

Rash – The Reckless Racket Shell

Racket: Lisp for the modern day

War Is a Racket (1935)

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