Tattoo ink may increase the risk of skin and lymphoma cancers. This is because tattoo ink accumulates in the lymph nodes

Carrots may help regulate blood sugar and improve gut flora – a combination that could potentially benefit individuals with type 2 diabetes, suggests a new mouse model study

Researchers map the brain's self-healing abilities after stroke. The brain attempts to repair damage following a stroke using its own repair cells

Scientists identify 177 specific genes that fuel cancer metastasis, and 2 key genes: SP1, which accelerates metastasis, and KLF5, which helps suppress it

Ozempic increases risk of debilitating eye condition: studies

Study found that intermittent fasting itself will not make your extra kilos disappear if you don't restrict your caloric intake, but it has a range of health benefits (16-18 hours IF a day)

Researchers find link between hearing loss and developing dementia, danish article.

On the Authenticity of a Relic: An Archaeometric Investigation of the Supposed Bread Sack of Saint Francesco of Assisi

The ancient Romans were famous for their advanced water supply but a recent study of water pipes from Pompeii has found antimony poisoning may have been a widespread problem.

Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe was full of gold

Adding seaweed to processed foods such as frozen pizzas, hot dogs and dried pasta will reduce cardiovascular diseases, concludes a new scientific article

Last year CERN announced the finding of a new elementary particle, the Higgs particle