
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Trying to convince to my developer friends why they should build in Rust. Am I missing anything?

A deep dive into the llm-chain Rust crate

Building an agentic RAG workflow with Qdrant, OpenAI & Rust

Implementing semantic cache with Qdrant and Rust

Using AWS Bedrock with Axum

Building AI Agents with Rust

An introduction to advanced Rust traits and generics

Creating event driven microservices using rdkafka

An introduction to using OpenTelemetry with Rust

Working with OpenAPI using Rust

Creating AI Agents with OpenAI & Rust

Integrating Stripe Payments with Rust

Sending logs to Grafana Loki with tracing libraries (no promtail)

Building a notification service with AWS SNS and Axum

Using Posthog in a Rust application

Async Rust in a Nutshell

Implementing API Throttling in Axum with tower-governor

Building an uptime monitoring web service with Axum

An in-depth look at using the tracing crates

Writing & hosting a Cronjob in Rust

An Overview of Rust ORMs

Bypassing AWS complexity

An overview of parsing JSON in Rust

Reasons to use Rust

Getting Started with Axum – Rust's Most Popular Web Framework

An in-depth look at Loco, a batteries-included web framework

Getting Started with Rocket - v0.5 changes included

An up-to-date primer to getting started with Actix Web

A quickstart guide for writing CLI tools using Clap

A deep-dive into getting started with the web framework Loco

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