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Team debunks research showing Facebook's news-feed algorithm curbs election misinformation

Researchers looked at the impact of the family dog on the exercise habits of kids

Analog computing can solve complex equations and use far less energy

Nicotine e-cigarettes are more effective in helping people quit smoking than conventional nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT), according to the latest review of 88 studies (from US, UK…

Road design issues, pavement damage, incomplete signage and road markings are among the most influential factors that can predict road ​​​​crashes, new machine learning has identified

In the largest genome-wide association study to date on Type 2 diabetes, researchers have located 1,289 genetic markers associated with Type 2 diabetes (145 of which are newly identified) and generated risk scores for diabetes complications

Can AI-Generated Proofs Bring Bug-Free Software One Step Closer?

Exposure to household chemicals can lower odds of getting pregnant

A vaccine using a non-toxic form of Salmonella can be delivered into the cells of a malignant solid tumor to refocus the body’s immune system against the cancer, effectively halting it and preventing its recurrence

Mementos: System Support for Long-Running Computation on RFID-Scale Devices

Engineers at UMass Amherst harvest clean energy from thin air

In a nutritional comparison of plant-based and dairy yogurts, almond milk yogurt came out on top: “almond yogurt has a significantly higher nutrient density than dairy yogurt and all other plant-based yogurts”

What Goes Around Comes Around (2004) [pdf]

Soil in Midwestern US is Eroding 10 to 1k Times Faster than it Forms

Young Child’s Brain, Not Age, Determines Nap Transitions, Research Suggests

The Hardest Natural Languages (1979)

15 centuries ago, extreme dry conditions contributed to the decline of South Arabian kingdom of Himyar

Low belief in evolution was linked to racism in Eastern Europe

Wireshark Labs

Midwestern US has Lost 57.6 Trillion Metric Tons of Soil Due to Agricultural Practices, Study Finds

Meta-analysis of 15 studies on nearly 50,000 participants, founds that the amount of daily walking steps that will optimally improve adults’ health and longevity is 6-8000 (8-10000 for younger adults)

Fault lines in a kitchen sink are changing what we know about geology

A newly designed metamaterial can absorb and release great amounts of energy

In a first, researchers design robots that don’t need electricity: These liquid robots that are like tiny submarines, which dive below the surface to retrieve precious chemicals, and then resurface to deliver chemicals “ashore.” And they can do this over and over…

Satellites Reveal Arctic Rivers are Changing Faster Than We Thought

In Memoriam: Edmund L. Gettier III

Sudoku as a SAT Problem (2006)

Having a responsive, supportive partner minimizes the negative impacts of an individual’s depression or external stress on their romantic relationship

Quantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory Management (2005)

The Origin of the VM/370 Time-Sharing System (1981)

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