Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997

Obama bans solitary confinement for juveniles in fed prisons. "citing the potential for "devastating, lasting psychological consequences""

Chinese medicinal herbs provide niche market for US farmers

Belgium, Netherlands to exchange territory

Apple Maps, once a laughingstock, now dominates iPhones

A study of 715,000 British women has shown that happiness has no link to longevity.

House considers requiring search warrant to get old emails

Security researcher Brian Wallace was on the trail of hackers who had snatched a California university's housing files when he stumbled into a larger nightmare: Cyberattackers had opened a pathway into the networks running the United States' power grid

Palestinian territories to get 3G in mid-2016

Sharing or shaming? Tracking homelessness on social media

A multigenerational hit: Student debt traps parents and kids

How Comcast wants to meter the Internet

YouTube to launch $10-a-month ad-free video, music plan Red

Daily Fantasy Sports Sites Ordered To Shut Down In Nevada

Children living near the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer at a rate 20-50 times that of children elsewhere, a difference the authors contend undermines the government's position that more cases have been discovered in the area only because of stringent monitoring

Ad blockers rise as ads annoy, bog down websites

Federal scientists have determined that extremely low levels of crude oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez caused heart problems in embryonic fish, a conclusion that could shape how damage is assessed in other major spills

Police: Messages for No. 1 Mafioso Hidden in Sicilian Soil

Scientists have finally figured out how the key gene tied to obesity makes people fat, a major discovery that could open the door to an entirely new approach to the problem beyond diet and exercise

US probing possible airline collusion that kept fares high

The Obama administration has decided that the National Security Agency will soon stop examining — and will ultimately destroy — millions of American calling records.

Scientists say they have sequenced the genome of the brown kiwi for the first time, revealing that the shy, flightless bird likely lost its ability to see colors after it became nocturnal tens of millions of years ago

Google's self-driving car involved in injury accident for the first time

Federal law enforcement officials warned Wednesday that data encryption is making it harder to hunt for pedophiles and terror suspects, telling senators that consumers' right to privacy is not absolute and must be weighed against public-safety interests

The House has voted to make permanent a moratorium that prevents states from taxing access to the Internet

Hackers have personnel data on every federal employee — "We believe that Social Security numbers were not encrypted, a cybersecurity failure that is absolutely indefensible and outrageous."

US officials: Massive breach of federal personnel data

The Justice Department is acknowledging that the FBI, DEA and other federal law enforcement agencies are likely to make increasing use of unmanned aerial drones in the United States

Electric car maker Tesla Motors delivered a quarterly record of 10,045 cars in the first quarter, helping it beat Wall Street's expectations despite costly investments in new products and factory capacity and the impact of the strong dollar.

Original Associated Press Report of Lincoln's Assassination

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