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What the CIA WikiLeaks dump tells us: Encryption works

Bacon, soda & too few nuts tied to big portion of US deaths

Watchdog groups that keep tabs on digital privacy rights are concerned that U.S

Biologists find weird cave life that may be 50,000 years old

Top manager at Russian cybersecurity firm arrested in Moscow

President Barack Obama commutes sentence of Chelsea Manning, who leaked Army documents and is serving 35 years

Global warming's fingerprints seen in 24 weird weather cases

Ecuador acknowledges it has "temporarily restricted" Assange's communications

A new study of Western forest fires confirms what is already apparent — wildfire seasons are getting longer and more destructive

China begins operating world's largest radio telescope

Associated Press: cops misuse databases to check out women, colleagues, reporters and celebrities across US

"The charred lump of a 2,000-year-old scroll sat in an Israeli archaeologist's storeroom for decades, too brittle to open

US regulators: Official recall of 1M Samsung Note 7 phones

One of the world’s longest-running, most comprehensive climate change experiments has produced some surprising results

IT Employee Who Used BleachBit to Wipe Out State Department Emails Pleads the 5th Amendment - He Refuses to Testify in Front of Congress

German economy minister says TTIP talks have failed

WhatsApp is going to share your phone number with Facebook

The FBI's director said Friday the agency is collecting data to present next year in hopes of sparking a national conversation about law enforcement's increasing inability to access encrypted electronic devices

Dentists wrong, people with lazy dental hygiene right: flossing is mostly a waste of time, AP says.

The National Security Agency asked a judge Thursday to dismiss a lawsuit from a former Salt Lake City mayor who says the agency conducted a mass warrantless surveillance program during the 2002 Winter Olympics

Emails: Key security features disabled on Clinton's server

Feds spend billions to run museum-ready computer systems

The negative effects of ocean acidification on the Florida Keys reef are occurring 40 years earlier than expected study finds

Firms that paid for Clinton speeches have US government interests

AP: South Korea covered up mass abuse, killings of 'vagrants'

FBI Director James Comey has hinted that the FBI paid more than $1 million to break into the locked iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino attackers

North Korea sentences US tourist to 15 years in prison

Amazon reverses course, will allow local encryption

Denver police officers caught using confidential criminal databases for personal reasons — such as learning a woman's phone number — get only light punishment, allowing the potentially dangerous abuse to continue, the city's independent police monitor wrote in a report released Tuesday.

Google self-driving car strikes public bus in California

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