Top Colleges Should Select Randomly from a Pool of ‘Good Enough’

The Student-Blaming Has Begun

We Need a Yelp for Doctoral Programs

A Tale of Two Plagiarists (2019)

Should Colleges Preserve the Idea of Meritocracy?

Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism

A List of Colleges’ Plans for Reopening in the Fall

A Side Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic? Reading Got a Lot Harder

Max Weber Invented the Crisis of the Humanities

The Battle over Zomia (2011)

The University Is a Ticking Time Bomb

A Criminologist Accused of Cooking the Books

Gin, Sex, Malaria, and the Hunt for Academic Prestige

The Tyranny of Trendy Ideas in Academia

A Legendary Scientist Sounds Off on the Trouble with Stem

Academe’s Extinction Event: Failure, Whiskey, and Professional Collapse at MLA

E.O. Wilson Sounds Off on the Trouble With STEM

The University Is a Ticking Time Bomb

How Political Science Became Irrelevant

The Books That Wouldn’t Die

How did we decide that professors don’t deserve job security or a decent salary?

Is Email Making Professors Stupid?

Proceedings Start Against ‘Sokal Squared’ Hoax Professor

‘A Minefield’: How Scholars Who Don’t Drink Navigate the Conference Social Scene

UCLA to faculty: consider refusing reviews for Elsevier, go open access instead

Law Schools Are Bad for Democracy

Students Evaluating Teachers Doesn’t Just Hurt Teachers, It Hurts Students

Here Comes ‘The Journal of Controversial Ideas’

What’s the Most Influential Book of the Past 20 Years?

Is Publishing Hoax ‘Hilarious and Delightful’ or Dishonesty and Bad Faith?

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