Regex that only matches itself

Regex that only matches itself

Trick OR Treat: programs runnable in two different languages and that print "Trick" in one language and "Treat" in the other

A brief history of 2d programming languages

Palindrome Polyglot (C#/Java) Quine

Showcase your language one vote at a time

Regex for divisibility by 7 (code golf)

The Lucas-nacci Numbers

"Every problem can be solved by throwing enough RegEx at it"

Approximating images with Voronoi diagrams

The smallest virus alert

Tweetable Mathematical Art

Are Pigs able to fly?

A fun AI tournament: Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

American Gothic in the palette of Mona Lisa: Rearrange the pixels

What? No error?

A Programming Puzzle: Code that will only execute once

Make 2 + 2 = 5