Scaling the OpenJDK [PDF]

Data classes for Java

Designing polymorphic identity-free values in the JVM

Project Loom: Fibers and Continuations for the Java Virtual Machine

Proposal for a new OpenJDK Project: Project Metropolis

Java 10 – Specification for Value Types

Pattern Matching for Java

Specification for JEP 301: Enhanced Enums in Java

Bytestacks - A JDK Startup Flame Graph Tool

jshell tutorial by jshell architect Robert Field

Your next JVM: Panama, Valhalla, Metropolis

Minimal Value Types Proposal for Java

Java Style Guidelines

Overview of specialized classfile format (from project valhalla)

JVM implementation challenges: Why the future is hard but worth it [pdf]

JVM support for structural descriptions of dynamically generated, pattern-instantiating classes

Evolving the JVM: Principles and Directions (value types, specialization, varhandles, classdynamic, FFI & much more)

[JAVA] State of the Specialization by Brian Goetz