Introducing NeoHaskell: A beacon of joy in a greyed tech world

Why not React?

Managing Firecracker microVMs in Go

Paul Buchheit interview (2018)

Setting up a production-ready web app backend in Go (with database) in less than 100 lines

GitUI 0.24 supports searching the entire commit history

Better Builds with Make: A Beginner's Guide

How can I write my first program in Go

Use of Golang

Extending native JS prototypes is not such a crazy idea with symbols

Getting started with ReasonReact and Melange

[Nestia] I made backend simulator for frontend developers (similar with MSW, but fully automated)

The need for a new backend framework

How to detect unnecessary renderings of DOM elements in your web app to improve performances

Must predictable state changes come at a high cost?

How I Built a Modern 'Food Menu' Web App: From Tech Stack to Workflow

Generating React Components with Auto

Please rate my first technical article

New Array methods in JavaScript

Web Audio MOD player, first steps

World Wide Web Wars

State management in its own module in vanilla JavaScript

RxJS: Advanced challenge to build a reactive split-flap display

Yet another way of doing a nullish check: if ( ?? null, null)) { /* a is either null or undefined */ }

What are Reverse-API Gateways?

What's new in ES2023?

Building a message board with Next.js and AppWrite

Building a bidding system with NextJS new app router and server actions

Building the biggest list of useful open-source libraries

Updates from the 96th TC39 meeting

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