Baseline: a unified view of stable web features

TIL: You can make an XMLHttpRequest synchronous...

Firefox 111.0 enabled Origin private file system access

The <Dialog> Element

The i Element Has Changed

The Marquee Element

Container queries are finally real

Evolution of HTTP

OffscreenCanvas support in Firefox! (Firefox 105 for developers - Mozilla | MDN)

structuredClone() in JavaScript

deep clone with structuredClone() - Web APIs | MDN

MDN Web Docs Redesign

Barcode Detection API


StructuredClone() - new javascript method to clone objects

Vibration API

The ruby HTML Element

Web Workers API

Color Vision Simulation

Django Web Framework - Learn web development | MDN

HTTP Status 418 – I'm a teapot

The HTML Data List Element

Responsive images


MDN Plus

HTML Sanitizer API

Houdini – CSS is now extendable with JavaScript

MDN is launching MDN Plus

TIL you can name regex capture groups, e.g.: 'John Doe'.match(/^(?<first>\w+)\s+(?<last>\w+)/).groups => {first: "John", last: "Doe"}


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