Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir

The Little Printf

Erlang/OTP 21's new logger

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Unexpected

Code Janitor: nobody's dream, everyone's job (and how Erlang can help) (2012)

The Zen of Erlang (2016)

Property-based Testing Basics (2016)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Unexpected

Handling Overload (2016)

Tout est Terrible

Everything is Terrible

Handling Overload

Queues won't fix overload

Where Erlang BLOOMs [2012]

Keep Your ORM Out of my Controller [2010]

Erlang shell: REPL? A bit more (and less) than that [2013] -> On Technical Debt: Shoveling forward

The Zen of Erlang

On Erlang's Syntax

rebar3 shell

rebar3 shell

The Little Printf

Vim and Composability

Real time bidding in Erlang (2012)

Lessons Learned while Working on Large-Scale Server Software

Awk in 20 Minutes

Queues Don't Fix Overload

An Open Letter to the Erlang Beginner (2011)