Futhark with Fangs! A web RPC frontend (sort of) for your GPU

How Futhark (a high performance functional array language) manages GPU memory

Reflections on a PhD accidentally spent on language design

Futhark 0.2.0 released

Block Comments Are a Bad Idea

Futhark 0.1.0 released | Futhark - A High Performance Functional Array Language

Calling Futhark from C and Haskell

Streaming Combinators and Extracting Flat Parallelism

Futhark: APL on the GPU

Futhark - Designing a Functional Language for GPU Execution

Futhark as target language for an APL compiler

Futhark - High-Performance Functional Programming

Futhark-Pygame interop: pure functional programming on the GPU, now with interactive visualisation