New anti-Facial Recognition Glasses Protect Users' Privacy From CCTV Cameras

Student creates glove that reduces Parkinson's tremors by 80%

This System can Trace Calls, Texts, Location of Every Single Mobile Phone

Ghost Squad DDoS Black Lives Matter Website Because ‘All Lives Matter’

German Nuclear Power Facility Plagued with Malware since 2008

Forbes Website Dropping Malware on Visitor’s PCs

FBI Randomly Used Malware on TORMail Users While Busting Pedophiles

Touchable Holograms Coming To Reality

Fake EFF Website Found Targeting Users with Espionage Malware

New android vulnerability allows an app with no special permissions to replace other apps on the system

HORNET – Faster and Secure Anonymity Network Than Tor

Creator Of Internet Privacy Device Silenced: "Effective Immediately We Are Halting Further Development"

Donald Trump Hotels Face Major Credit Card Breach as Hackers Target the Empire

Newly Proposed Amendment Will Allow FBI to Hack TOR and VPN Users

Anonymous asks Elite hackers to join them in a massive cyber attack on Israel

California man spies on cops through surveillance drones