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EFF to Supreme Court: Strike Down Texas’ Unconstitutional Age Verification Law

EFF to Federal Trial Court: Section 230’s Little-Known Third Immunity for User-Empowerment Tools Covers Unfollow Everything 2.0

Twitter blocks EFF tweet that criticized bogus takedown of previous tweet [2019]

New small package I made, browser + module passphrase generation with EFF wordlists provided out of the box (and a cryptographically secure method)

EFF’s concerns about the UN Cybercrime Convention

EFF Presses Federal Circuit to Make Patent Case Filings Public

EFF: New License Plate Reader Vulnerabilties Prove The Tech Itself is a Public Safety Threat

EFF: Forcing ByteDance to sell TikTok or face a ban is unconstitutional

EFF Appeals Order Denying Public Access to Patent Filings

EFF – We Flew a Plane over San Francisco to Fight Proposition E. Here's Why

EFF argues DMCA section 1201(a) violates First Amendment

EFF: Tell Congress: We Can't Afford More Bad Patents

EFF to Ninth Circuit: No Software Exception to Traditional Copyright Limits

EFF Opposes America's Proposed TikTok Ban

EFF Challenges 'Legal Bullying' of Sites Reporting on Alleged Appin 'Hacking-for-Hire'

EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet circa 1994

EFF adds Street Surveillance Hub so Americans can check who's checking on them

EFF Year in Review: Google's Corporate Paternalism in the Browser

EFF Warns: 'Think Twice Before Giving Surveillance for the Holidays'

EFF Proposes Addressing Online Harms with 'Privacy-First' Policies

EFF Call to Action: Tell Congress to Stop 'Kids Online Safety Act'

EFF, Cory Doctorow, Others Speak in Commemoration of Aaron Swartz Day

Test browser for web tracking – EFF

Google's "Privacy Sandbox" is still ad tracking tech, the EFF warns | True privacy-abiding browsers have already rejected the technology

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) urges Chrome users to get out of the Privacy Sandbox

Facebook/Meta blocks accounts for posting link to EFF privacy tips

EFF Recognizes Signal, Library Freedom Project for Protecting Privacy

Sci-Hub founder receives EFF award for providing access to scientific knowledge

"A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - John Perry Barlow of the EFF, Feb 8th, 1996

Annual EFF Awards: Alexandra Elbakyan, Library Freedom Project, and Signal

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