A Guide to Distributed Teams

A disastrous IT migration corrupted 1.3b customer records

The Epistemology of Software Quality

The team that powers VLC

Testing the boundaries of collaboration

I test in prod

The Process: Transforming SpaCy's Docs

More Productive Git

The Lingua Franca of LaTeX

The rise of few-maintainer projects

It’s probably never going to work in German

Programming as Translation

The mystery of steganography

The melting pot of JavaScript

Open sourcing BuzzFeed’s single sign-on experience

A crash course in compilers

Increment: Documentation

Increment Magazine – Programming Languages issue

A crash course in compilers

It’s COBOL all the way down

Ask an expert: How do you maintain Rust?

Julia: The Goldilocks language. Some awesome commentary on what it takes to build a language and a community.

An engineer’s guide to cloud capacity planning – Increment: Cloud

What happens when the pager goes off?

Crafting sustainable on-call rotations

A rare and toxic age

An engineer’s guide to cloud capacity planning

Center stage: Best practices for staging environments – Increment issue 3: Development

What it's like to be a developer at...

Why startups should run on cloud providers

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