North Dakota, Using Taxpayer Funds, Bailed Out Oil and Gas Companies by Plugging Abandoned Wells

Big Meat and Dairy Companies Have Spent Millions Lobbying Against Climate Action, a New Study Finds

Inside Clean Energy: What Happens When Solar Power Gets Much, Much Cheaper? - The Department of Energy is aiming to cut the price of utility-scale solar by more than half by 2030.

A Clean Energy Milestone: Renewables Pulled Ahead of Coal in 2020 in the US

Pollinator-Friendly Solar Could be a Win-Win for Climate and Landowners, but Greenwashing is a Worry

Emissions of Nitrous Oxide, a Climate Super-Pollutant, Are Rising Fast on a Worst-Case Trajectory

The Worst-Case Scenario for Global Warming Tracks Closely With Actual Emissions

New Study Shows Global Warming Intensifying Extreme Rainstorms Over North America

A California Utility Announces 770 Megawatts of Battery Storage. That’s a Lot

50 Years From Now, Many Densely Populated Parts of the World Could be Too Hot for Humans

‘We Need to Hear These Poor Trees Scream’: Unchecked Global Warming Means Big Trouble for Forests

Hospital Visits Declined After Sulfur Dioxide Reductions from Louisville-Area Coal Plants

The world's major wind-driven ocean currents are moving toward the poles at a rate of about a mile every two years, potentially depriving important coastal fishing waters of important nutrients and raising the risk of sea level rise, extreme storms and heatwaves for some adjacent land areas.

Dead Birds Washing Up by the Thousands Send a Warning About Climate Change

Massachusetts Sues Exxon over Climate Change, Accusing the Oil Giant of Fraud

24-Hour Solar Energy: Molten Salt Makes It Possible

CO2 and Climate Task Force (AQ-9) (1980)

Oceans Are Melting Glaciers from Below Much Faster than Predicted, Study Finds

Climate Change Is Pushing Pacific Salmon to the Brink, Federal Scientists Warn

Climate Change Is Already Cutting Into the Global Fish Catch, and It's on Pace to Get Worse

Rural Jobs: A Big Reason Midwest Should Love Clean Energy - From wind power maintenance to energy efficiency upgrades, clean energy job opportunities outnumber fossil fuel work in much of the rural Midwest.

That Global Warming Hiatus? It Never Happened. Two New Studies Explain Why.

2017's Extreme Heat, Flooding Carried Clear Fingerprints of Climate Change

Spring Is Coming Earlier to Wildlife Refuges, and Bird Migrations Need to Catch Up - If the birds don’t adapt to climate change, they could go hungry right at the start of breeding season

Global Warming Means More Insects Threatening Food Crops — A Lot More, Study Warns

Solar Is Saving Low-Income Households Money in Colorado. It Could Be a National Model.

Arctic Methane Leaks Go Undetected Because Equipment Can’t Handle the Cold

Hurricane Maria resulted in the greatest estimated loss of life on record from any storm in the U.S., with estimates of over 4,600 deaths (more than 70 times the official estimate), many from lack of access to medical care in the weeks and months after the storm

Keeping Global Warming to 1.5 Degrees Could Spare Millions Pain of Dengue Fever

Within a year of eight coal- and oil-fired power plant retirements, the rate of preterm births in mothers living close by dropped, finds new study on air pollution.

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