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Memo to the Supreme Court: Clean Air Act Targeted CO2 as Climate Pollutant, Study Says

Increasingly Frequent Ocean Heat Waves Trigger Mass Die-Offs of Sealife

Oregon county seeks to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for extreme heat

Extreme Climate Impacts from Collapse of AMOC Could Be Worse Than Expected

Some states are now trying to ban lab-grown meat

Some Rare, Real Talk from a Utility About Competition with Rooftop Solar

Review of more than 200 studies has found children of color and from low-income families are not only exposed to more dangerous substances but also experience disproportionate harm to their brain development

USFWS Is Creating a Frozen Library of Biodiversity To Help Endangered Species

America’s Afghanistan war devastated the environment, may never be cleaned up

California wants to build more solar farms but needs more power lines

Frackers use dangerous chemicals without disclosure due to Halliburton loophole

Country’s Largest Grid Operator Must Process and Connect Backlogged Clean Energy Projects, a New Report Says - Inside Climate News

June extremes suggest parts of climate system are reaching tipping points

Montana’s New Anti-Climate Law May Be the Most Aggressive in the Nation

California wants to build more solar farms but needs more power lines

Eduardo Mendúa, Who Fought Oil Extraction on Indigenous Land, Is Shot to Death

US Emissions of the World’s Most Potent Greenhouse Gas Are 56 Percent Higher Than EPA Estimates

New wind, solar are cheaper than costs to operate all but one US coal plant

4 giant offshore terminals proposed in Texas would increase US oil export capacity by 6.5 million bpd

Toxic metals entered soil from pittsburgh steel-industry emissions, study says

New study identifies rapidly emerging threats to oceans

New study says world must cut short-lived climate pollutants as well as carbon dioxide to meet limits

UN says humanity has altered 70 percent of the Earth’s land, putting the planet on a ‘crisis footing’

Coal mining emits more super-polluting methane than venting and flaring from gas and oil wells, new report finds

Deadly ‘smoke waves’ from wildfires set to soar in Pacific Northwest, a future hot spot for dangerous spikes of PM2.5 pollution

For the First Time, a Harvard Study Links Air Pollution From Fracking to Early Deaths Among Nearby Residents - Inside Climate News

World Leaders Failed to Bend the Emissions Curve for 30 Years. Some Climate Experts Say Bottom-Up Change May Work Better

Total Accused of Campaign to Play Down Climate Risk From Fossil Fuels - A study found the French energy group tried to cast doubt about climate science, beginning in the 1970s, while at the same time pushing back against climate-related policies and taxes.

Surface Water Vulnerable to Widespread Pollution From Fracking, a New Study Finds

Thawing Permafrost has Damaged the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and Poses an Ongoing Threat

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