The richest man on Earth and the richest woman on Earth are both French

Japanese scientists produce viable oocytes from only male cells

In supermarkets across Europe, inflation is leading to a surge in food theft

TikTok banned on US government devices

Spanish rail's costly blunder: New trains too large for tunnels

AP again clarifies tweet advising that writing 'the French' is 'dehumanizing'

The UK's downturn is a warning for Europe

James Webb telescope may have found most distant known galaxy

Welcome to 'Le Monde' in English

Paris suspends electric bus fleet after two fires

Forests and climate change: pine trees dying in France

Emmanuel Macron is the new président de la République (65,1 % of the votes)

Let’s stop the manipulation of science

French National Assembly approved Internet traffic monitoring system (French)

Google Memorial: the small museum of projects abandoned by Google

Revealed NSA HTTP/DNS spying program is seriously called MORECOWBELL

France to enforce basic programming teaching starting at age 10