If You’re A Controlling Parent Your Kid Will Be Mean

Based on first-year results of a two-year study, researchers find helmetless-tackling drills is effective in reducing head impacts by 28 percent in one season

Men Should Have Healthy Diet Before Conceiving, As Unborn Baby Influenced By Father's Choice Of Food

Physican Burnout Rates Have Increased Since 2011; Half Now Experience At Least One Symptom

Kids as young as 13 may be inundated with daily ads from the alcohol industry on social media, and while Twitter has an age-gate which blocks direct-to-phone updates for underage users…

Sharing a meal with your coworker might improve your performance at work

Neuroscientists identified a neural circuit in the brain that regulates REM sleep, the phase of sleep when dreams occur

A new University of Chicago study finds social isolation leads to fight-or-flight stress signaling, which can disturb the production of white blood cells in our bodies.

Infants with whooping cough, also known as pertussis, are at an increased risk for developing epilepsy later in life

Researchers have designed a simple blood test to identify when a child experiences brain injury with 94 % accuracy

Genetic variants that make men 10 times more likely to develop testicular cancer finally discovered

A new study suggests that crickets, caterpillars, snd other insects are more nutritious than steak or chicken.

Weight loss and exercise combined with birth control could help women with PCOS get pregnant

Compounds found in apples and green tomatoes can turn off the protein responsible for muscle aging and atrophy

DNA Structure Of Hemp And Marijuana Far More Different From One Another Than Previously Thought

Scientists discover the ancient origins of the deadly Lassa virus, a relative of Ebola

Simple aspirin could be a powerful weapon for overweight people to reduce any additional risks of developing colon cancer stemming from a genetic predisposition called Lynch Syndrome…

Low-Income people with self-control may be better able to succeed, but It takes a toll on their bodies