Physicians Experience Highest Suicide Rate of Any Profession

Sugary Drinks, but Not Foods, Linked to Increased Mortality

Cancer Vaccine Works 'Startlingly Well' in Mouse Model

Night Shifts Increase Breast Cancer Risk, Especially for Nurses

Chronic Lyme disease Treatments Linked to Serious Infections

Brain Sodium Linked to Cognitive Deficits in MS

A first suicide attempt is an even greater risk factor for a completed suicide than previously appreciated, and the great majority of completed suicides occur within a year of the first attempt…

Study finds evidence, albeit limited, that people who eat a Mediterranean diet, even when there are no limits set on fat intake, seem to have a lower risk of cardiovascular events

Preliminary surveillance data in Colombia suggest that maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.

Mixed Results for Fecal Transplant in First Randomized Trial

Light Therapy Highly Effective for Major Depression

Significant gender disparities exist between women and men in the field of cardiology when it comes not only to salaries but also job characteristics and specialization, according to new research

Lung cancer rate among nonsmokers doubles since 2008 - noone knows why

Antidepressant/NSAID Combo Linked to Brain Bleed Risk

A new study that suggests that teens who try electronic (e)-cigarettes are more likely to smoke has been hailed as "the strongest evidence to date that e-cigarettes might pose a health hazard by encouraging adolescents to start smoking conventional tobacco products."

New psoriasis drug shows promising results in Phase II clinical trials: 81% of patients taking a 200mg dose of the drug had no or minimal psoriasis, compared to 49% of patients who took a currently available drug

TMS potential alternative to antidepressants in pregnancy

Medscape: Morbidly obese and smokers have similar mortality rates

PTSD Linked to Premature Aging, Specific Diseases

Geneticists have modified the Human Genome to keeps HIV at bay for the long term.

Death of parent or sibling before a child reaches the age 13 linked to psychosis and bi-polar disorder

Rates of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders among first grade children in a representative middle-class community in the Midwest are substantially higher than most previous estimates for the general populations of the US, Europe, or Canada, according to results from a study published in Pediatrics.

No amount of alcohol is safe when it comes to certain cancers