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Avoiding Sun as Dangerous as Smoking (2016)

Is Red Meat Healthy? Multiverse Analysis Has Lessons Beyond Meat

Sleep apnea linked to brain and memory problems

Could Stem Cells One Day Cure Diabetes?

FDA OKs Sub-Q Vedolizumab for Crohn's Maintenance Therapy

Telemedicine Reduces Rehospitalization, Revascularization in Post-PCI ACS Patients.

Europe Greenlights Two Avian Flu Vaccines

A cohort study of more than 1.5 million hospital admissions in Canada through the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic has quantified the benefit of vaccinations

Not All Exercise Is Beneficial: The Physical Activity Paradox Explained

Vitamin D a Viable Strategy for Dementia Prevention?

Covid-19 Virus Infects Coronary Vasculature

Aspartame linked to a rise in anxiety in mice

Cognition-Boosting 'Smart Drugs' Not So Smart for Healthy People

Teledermatology Assessment of Atopic Dermatitis Feasible: Study

Patients with locally advanced rectal cancer and tumors with deficient mismatch repair (dMMR) have shown a remarkable response to treatment with the programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) inhibitor dostarlimab (Jemperli).

Study suggests outdoor cat ownership in childhood increases risk of psychosis in males

Transgender Individuals Twice as Likely to Die Early as General Population

New Type of Vaccine Targets Multiple Coronaviruses and other respiratory illnesses, developed by US army

Toxoplasmosa Gondiii linked to cognitive deficit in meta-analysis of 13 studies.

Vitamin D Deficiency in COVID-19 Quadrupled Death Rate

First Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Reinfections in US

First U.S. COVID-19 Reinfection Case Identified in Nevada Study

Risk of Diabetes During Pregnancy Reduced With Plant-Based Diet Before Pregnancy: There was a 19% reduction in risk for gestational diabetes in those who had followed a richer overall plant-based diet prior to pregnancy

US Betrays Healthcare Workers in Coronavirus Disaster

COVID-19 Linked to Large Vessel Stroke in Young Adults

Medical error as cause of death grossly overestimated in recent analyses

Study Linking Autism to 'Male Brain' Retracted, Replaced

Altered Brain Function Found in Men With Online Gaming Addiction- Men addicted to internet gaming have different levels of activity in areas of the brain associated with impulsiveness

Intranasal Ketamine Succeeds for Resistant Depression in Phase 3 Trial

Physicians Experience Highest Suicide Rate of Any Profession

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