CurryOn afternoon workshop

Boston Rust Meetup at MassRobotics, June 12, where we'll have live demonstrations of Rust-powered robots!

Rust-themed WebAssembly San Francisco Meetup on April 25 (will also be recorded)

Boston Rust Meetup at VMWare, April 24, with a talk on the topic of Ada-inspired numeric ranges in Rust

February UNIX historians meetup

Bay Area Rust Meetup @ Stanford: Barriers to Learning Rust, Wasmer (Tuesday, Feb 26, 7:00pm)

Coq Users in PariS on Thursday, February 7

Having our first Rust Meetup in Sacramento, CA, USA on Feb. 20

Having our first Rust Meetup in Seoul this Thursday

Cambridge UNIX historians (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Chicago Rust Meetup - October 23rd 2018

Meet Brendan Eich (inventor of JavaScript, CEO of Brave) on Oct. 4th, 2018 in San Francisco

Meetup @ Stanford, September 5th 7:00 - 9:00pm: Cranelift & WebAssembly, Custom #[test] Frameworks

New Rust Meetup (Auckland, New Zealand)

I've kickstarted a new Tel-Aviv based Rust meetup group!

May Boston Rust Meetup at Google, Wednesday May 23 (tomorrow!), with talks on Raspberry Pi appliances and ISP-level network censorship circumvention

Rust Bay Area: GUI in Rust and Chalk

Boston Rust Meetup next Tuesday, April 24, with a talk on writing Linux kernel modules in Rust

Boston Rust Meetup next Wednesday, March 7 at VMware, with talks on actor systems and creating collaborative text editors with WASM

Denver Rust Meetup Re-activating

Rust NYC is coming up on Wed. Jan 24!

This month's Boston Rust Meetup at Amazon has been rescheduled to Tue Jan 23 due to inclement weather

Boston Rust meetup this Wednesday, with a talk by Andrew Gallant (burntsushi) on ripgrep

Hacker News NYC Meetup

PDXRust: `impl period` hack day this Sunday, November 12th

Boston Rust Meetup, Nov 1, with a talk by Niko Matsakis on Chalk, Rust's forthcoming overhaul to trait resolution

8/31 SF Meetup - GRPC and Turing Tarpits

Tutorial Bug-fixing Hackathon at the Boston Rust Meetup Tonight!

Come see Rust core developer Niko Matsakis give a free talk tomorrow (Tuesday) at General Assembly in Boston

SF Meetup on 6/13: Consensus with VMware's Haret and Service Meshes with linkerd-tcp

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