Old graphs from new types

Does The Online Card Payment Landscape Unwittingly Facilitate Fraud?

An Algebra of Graphs

Scientists have identified genes key to the ability of the agave plant -- the plant used to make tequila -- to survive hot, dry conditions

TV exposure linked to female body ideal: For the first time experts have been able to eliminate external factors and specifically pinpoint television as having a direct link with female body ideals.

Bug eyes: Tiny glasses confirm 3D vision in insects

Recognising the basic structure of language is not unique to humans: Researchers using an imaging technique to explore brain activity in humans and monkeys identified evolutionary origins of cognitive functions in brain that underpin language and orderliness in sequences of sounds

An implementation guide for Lispkit Lisp (and its SECD virtual machine) [PDF]

The Sinking of the USS Guitarro (1994)

Masterpiece Engineering by T. H. Simpson (1968)

Contactless cards fail to recognise foreign currency

New study finds significant differences between organic and non-organic food

Organically grown crops contain higher antioxidant levels, lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues according to largest ever meta-analysis by Newcastle University