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IBM Christmas Virus (1987)

NATO Software Engineering Conferences

Lifestyle choices that could lower the risk of all cancers

~2,000 year-old artefact — the first known example of a disembodied wooden phallus recovered anywhere in the Roman world — may have been a device used during sex

A trial in people with high hereditary risk of a wide range of cancers has shown a major preventive effect from resistant starch

Experts have identified for the first time exactly how exercise can lower your risk of getting bowel cancer and slow the growth of tumours

Retirement age rising faster than healthy working life expectancy

Scientists identified a new genetic mechanism that can cause severe forms of male infertility: This breakthrough in understanding the underlying cause of male infertility offers hope of better treatment options for patients in the future

Ancient DNA reveals the world’s oldest family tree

Longer interval between Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine doses boosts immunity

Algebraic Graphs with Class

My Broadcast [The UNIX rwall problem]

Researchers developed visible light communication (VLC) setup capable of a data rate of 2.2 Mb/s by employing a new far-red/near-infrared type of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).

Software Engineering (1968)

Origins of human language pathway in the brain at least 25 million years old

Ottawa Library fines people using unreliable automatic calling system (1994)

Cause of Antibiotic Resistance Identified

Scientists have discovered neurons in insect brains that compute 3D distance and direction

Brits: Huawei's code is a steaming pile

Even deep sea creatures are eating plastic

Immersive virtual reality has been shown to help children with autism with nearly 45% remaining free from their fears and phobias six months after treatment (one session introducing CBT and four VR sessions), finds randomised controlled trial involving 32 children with autism aged 8 – 14 years.

You should try Hadrian

A child has until the age of two-and-a-half to establish healthy gut bacteria -- with little change after this point, new research has revealed

The Risks Digest: Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems

The first human corneas have been 3D printed by scientists. The technique could be used in the future to ensure an unlimited supply of corneas

An algebra of graphs

The Risks Digest

The praying mantis is the only insect with 3D vision (The ability is sometimes also called stereo vision)

Man-made fibres and plastic found in the deepest living organisms

OO Computer Architecture Concepts and Issues: The REKURSIV Object-Oriented Computer Architecture

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