Cancer drug prices vary by up to 388% between nations in high-income nations with public health care systems | Lancet Oncology

Science | Human-level learning achieved by machines.

Nature: Bright spots of largest asteroid Ceres suggest subsurface water throughout asteroid belt [with Ceres flyover video]

Cell: Two alleles are associated with a 30% increase in lifespan in Killifish, a promising model of human aging

Surface of Ceres asteroid suggests outer solar system origin while mysterious white spots indicate possibility of wide spread water throughout asteroid belt.

Vaccination of young people with anaphylactic egg allergies does not induce serious adverse events.

Following social normal violation, Chinese individuals produce a brain signal (N400) predictive of low measured creativity and high feelings of cultural superiority; this signal was not observed in Americans

Study: Healthy foods are unique to individuals

PNAS: The tardigrade (water bear), the only animal that can survive in the vacuum of space, has the most foreign DNA of any animal.

Zachariae Isstrom glacier has become unmoored from its sill and is crumbling into the North Atlantic Ocean. - Science

NASA: Coronal mass ejection's from the Sun lead to Martian climate change and atmosphere loss. - Meta News

Nature: Honey bees have been widely used in agriculture for nearly 9,000 years.

Paediatrics: Antibiotic Exposure Linked to Increased Risk of Juvenile Arthritis

Adolescent e-cigarette use is associated with respiratory symptoms. - JAMA Paediatrics