Study finds billions of quantum entangled electrons in ‘strange metal’

Study finds billions of quantum entangled electrons in ‘strange metal’

Motorized molecular drills are effective at killing antibiotic-resistant microbes within minutes, suggests a new study

Rice, Amazon report breakthrough in ‘distributed deep learning’

Rice reactor turns greenhouse gas into pure liquid fuel

Scientists designed a new device that channels heat into light, using arrays of carbon nanotubes to channel mid-infrared radiation (aka heat), which when added to standard solar cells could boost their efficiency from the current peak of about 22%…

The efficiency of solar-powered desalination systems can be boosted by more than 50% simply by adding inexpensive plastic lenses to concentrate sunlight into “hot spots”, reports a new study.

A new study suggests using CRISPR-Cas9 and a corrective short DNA template could offer a safe and efficient way to to repair the mutation that causes sickle cell disease.

New research from Rice University indicates that mindless switching between digital devices is associated with increased susceptibility to food temptations and lack of self-control…

Bioengineers 3D-print scaffolds that mimic the connection of cartilage to bone in the hopes of making implants for injured knees, ankles and elbows.

A new study found that UK scientists are significantly less religious than the UK general population

Lithium metal charges faster and holds ten times more energy than lithium-ion

Sulfur regulations on coal power plants could improve air quality, study says

Study confirms that grief brought on by the loss of a spouse — regardless of people’s levels of depressive symptoms — can cause inflammation that can lead to major depression, heart attack…

Micron-sized spheres created in the lab have been built to catch and destroy bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical used to make plastics, suspected of affecting the health of children

Materials scientists use molecular models to demonstrate the theory that nanotubes of the right diameter can prompt water inside to solidify into a square tube, transitioning into a kind of ice

In the three-month period following a spouse’s death, widows and widowers are more likely to exhibit risk factors linked to cardiovascular illness and death, according to a new study

An immunotherapy drug embedded in a slow-release hydrogel appears to be highly effective at killing cancer cells.

Scientists created two-dimensional Gallenene, a thin film of conductive material that is to gallium what graphene is to carbon

Physicists build bizarre molecules called ‘Rydberg polarons’: Using lasers, physicists have coaxed ultracold strontium atoms into complex structures unlike any previously seen in nature

Rice University scientists create patterned graphene onto food, paper, cloth, cardboard, to produce what may become a new class of edible electronics


Study finds human-caused climate change made the record rainfall that fell over Houston during Hurricane Harvey roughly 3 times more likely and 15% more intense.

People who exhibit even a few depressive symptoms before a major life stressor, such as a disaster, may experience an increase in inflammation—a major risk factor for heart disease and other negative health conditions—after the event.

Graphene-nanotube hybrid boosts lithium metal battery capacity 3-10 times in tests

A new filter engineered by scientists has proven able to remove more than 90% of hydrocarbons, bacteria, and particulates from contaminated water produced by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations at shale oil and gas wells.

Rice University lab develops inexpensive graphene catalyst to create hydrogen from water for fuel cells

Hidden river once flowed beneath Antarctic ice

A team of researchers have discovered a new tectonic plate off the coast of Ecuador

Although it seems counterintuitive, over the eons, glaciers may have made Earth warmer, a new study suggests

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