Anthropologists and Novelists (2018)

Who Cares About Literary Prizes?

Ted Chiang: Realist of a Larger Reality

How Capitalism Changed American Literature

Counter-Histories of the Internet

The Once and Future Bolaño

Idleness as Flourishing

The Book Is a Time Machine

Darwin's Beard and George Eliot's Hands

World without antibiotics

The Fortunes of Senso-Ji, Tokyo

Modernism, Heal Thyself: On Austrian Asylums

Is Handwriting History?

Kafka: the Impossible Biography

Heroines of the Haitian Revolution

Ordinary People: On Diarists

On the Origin of Extinction

The Selfie-Taker and the Dictionary-Maker

The Intrusion Artist: Robert Bresson

The Belle and the Bard

Anthropocene and Empire

Forgery Fiction

Always Already Translated

“The People V. O. J. Simpson” as Historical Fiction

On Writing and Restaurant Labor

Changing Climates of History (2014)

American Cassandra: On Francis Fukuyama