Escaping from Anaconda

pipe-operator: Elixir's pipe operator in Python

Using Ghidra and Python to reverse engineer Ecco the Dolphin

I Wrote a Guide to Simulation in Python with SimPy

Rio: WebApps in pure Python – A fresh Layouting System

htmy: async, pure-Python server-side rendering, now with markdown support and internationalization

Thank you r/Python - I'd like to give something back

extractous - fast data extraction with a rust core + tika native libs compiled through graalvm

Implementing dashboard as a webpage in an enterprise setting

Python for R users

AnyModal: A Python Framework for Multimodal LLMs

Built this over the weekend - Netflix Subtitle Translator

PEP 2026 – Calendar versioning for Python

Ididi, dependency injection, in a single line of code

A search engine for all your memes (v2.0 updates)

pyzzles | python puzzles

Waiting for Geopolars

A filesystem navigator for the terminal

PyJudo - Another dependency injection library...

Dendrite: Interact with websites with natural language instead of using css selectors

PiML: Python Interpretable Machine Learning Toolbox

Blog Post: State of Python 3.13 Performance: Free-Threading

Expedite v0.1.0 is out now on PyPI

Pex: A tool for generating .pex (Python EXecutable) files, lock files and venvs

For those coming from Python, what made you switch? ( real app not hobby)

Hands-On Python: Beginner-Friendly Projects to Kickstart Your Coding

Python Logic Simulation Library

Game 987, Like 2048 but Fibonacci (Made in Python)

What Free Host Providers do you Use for deploying RESTful API ?

Final Encoding in RPython Interpreters

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