Airbnb is donating $5 million toward helping the homeless in San Francisco - It’s the biggest donation the company has made in its hometown to date.

On Election Day, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower is blasting Facebook for still not doing enough

Microsoft’s president says we need to regulate facial recognition tech before ‘the year 2024 looks like the book “1984”’

New law lets you defer capital gains taxes by investing in opportunity zones

In Silicon Valley wages are down for everyone but the top 10 percent

Tech employees are much more liberal than their employers

Why no one really knows how many jobs automation will replace - Even the experts disagree exactly how much tech like AI will change our workforce.

Facebook walks back statements on data collection and its Portal in-home device

We have to rewrite antitrust law to deal with tech monopolies, says ‘Positive Populism’ author Steve Hilton

When big companies are hacked, should they have to disclose it immediately?

Silicon Valley’s Saudi money crisis illustrates a decline of ‘moral leadership’ in America

Nobody trusts Facebook anymore

Here’s why tech billionaires are fighting over San Francisco’s Prop C ballot measure - Leaders in the tech community are being pulled into a debate about their corporate responsibility in San Francisco and beyond.

Instagram’s Kevin Systrom on leaving Facebook: ‘No one ever leaves a job because everything’s awesome’

Facebook will soon rely on Instagram for the majority of its ad revenue growth - As Instagram’s founders depart, execution can’t skip a beat.

Silicon Valley congressman Ro Khanna explains his ‘internet bill of rights’ - The proposed legislation offers new rules for data portability, net neutrality and more that Democrats might push for if they recapture Congress.

Half of U.S. Uber drivers make less than $10 an hour after vehicle expenses, according to a new study - They would make more at an Amazon warehouse.

Twitter CEO: conservative employees ‘dont feel safe to express their opinions’

Mary Meeker, the legendary internet analyst, is leaving Kleiner Perkins

Why should anybody trust Facebook with their personal data?

Amazon is stuffing its search results pages with ads

Instagram’s co-founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, are leaving amid frustrations with parent company Facebook

Uber drivers and other gig economy workers are earning half what they did five years ago

How a Twitter account convinced 4,000 companies to stop advertising on Breitbart

How Netflix outsmarted everyone else in TV

The Rise of Startups Saying No to Venture Capital

Apple, YouTube and Facebook won’t silence Alex Jones and Infowars — but their bans will sharply limit his reach In media, distribution is king.

How bots amplify hoaxes and propaganda on social media - Zignal Labs CEO Josh Ginsberg says consumers and companies need to know what’s bot-generated and what’s not so they can make informed decisions about things like elections.

General Magic tried to invent a smartphone in the 1990s. This is why it failed

Mistrust of Google and Facebook a contagion, could spread to all tech companies

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